Probrano po: Rukopisni fond
Prikazano 2561-2570 od 2808 zapisa
Terminologija u analizi oblika vokalne folklorne glazbe. Referat na 28. Kongresu SUFJ, Sutomore 1981.
Terminologija u analizi oblika vokalne folklorne glazbe. Referat na 28. Kongresu SUFJ, Sutomore 1981.
The Balkan Family Pattern. Simpozij
The Balkan Family Pattern. Simpozij "Where does Europe end?" Budapest, 6-9.IV.1994.
The Burgenland Croats: Oral tradition and historical process; Disertacija
The Burgenland Croats: Oral tradition and historical process; Disertacija
The Concept of Motherhood in Zagreb. International Baccalaureate XV . High Shool. 1993. Maturalni rad.
The Concept of Motherhood in Zagreb. International Baccalaureate XV . High Shool. 1993. Maturalni rad.
The general view of the folk music in Yugoslavia.
The general view of the folk music in Yugoslavia.